Black-breasted Puffleg

The critically-endangered Black-breasted Puffleg is a hummingbird, with a very limited range of distribution, threatened by tropical deforestation.

Measuring 8-9cm, these pufflegs live off nectar and insects, nurturing only two white eggs per incubation cycle. Today, only around 250 individuals remain in the wild as of 2015, with the population diminishing 10-20% every decade. The species' habitat, unique to North-West Ecuador, has shrunk by 93-97% due to deforestation for agriculture expansion, logging, and cattle grazing.

The Yanacocha Reserve, located near the Pichincha volcano in Ecuador, is one of few areas where small populations of the Black-Breasted puffleg still exist, making the reserve essential for the continual existence.

Managed by the well renowned conservation group Fundación de Conservación Jocotoco, Yanacocha employs reforestation and natural regeneration to allow the reserve to recover from selective logging and paramo burning. The reserve  provides a safe haven for 250 species of birds including 27 different hummingbirds.

If you want to be part of supporting the conservation of Black-Breasted puffleg you can invest in the Yanacocha project by visiting the project button.


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